The following subjects are taught in the Los Angeles Archdiocesan schools: Religion, Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Music, Art, and Physical Education. St. John Fisher School also teaches Spanish and Computers.

In order to provide our students with a Catholic education of the highest quality, St. John Fisher School strives to meet all curriculum standards at the State and Archdiocesan levels. This is done through the faculty’s annual assessment of current textbooks, supplemental materials, technological advances, and academic achievement, at each grade level.

​The assessment of each child is taken seriously and plotted against the state standards of each grade level. Promotion of students to the next grade level is contingent upon the successful completion of the current academic grade level standards. The curriculum academic standards for our School, as well as the State Framework and Standards for each grade level, are available for review in each classroom and the School office. Click here to view St. John Fisher School’s curriculum.


Come visit St. John Fisher School by contacting the school office at 310-377-2800. Applications available from the school office or you can download the application here. Please also feel free to contact us at


with any questions.



St. John Fisher School students participate in daily prayer and weekly and monthly Mass as part of the school’s curriculum. St. John Fisher School students begin each day with community worship at morning assembly. The assembly reinforces our identity as Catholics and fosters a sense of community among the students and faculty. The Student Council leads our morning assembly, which includes a Gospel reading, a prayer to St. John Fisher, a pledge to the cross, and a pledge to the American Flag. The assembly concludes with the entire student body singing God Bless America.


St. John Fisher School empowers students to be confident, well-rounded, and socially aware individuals. SJF students actively engage in public service from Kindergarten through the 8th grade. Our students participate in the President’s Volunteer Service Award Program and contribute approximately 3,500 service hours to the community each year.


The School Families program involves every member of St. John Fisher School. Student families are created with at least one student from each grade. Eighth grade students act as the family leader. Families meet throughout the year for prayer, activities, and spirit building projects. These projects are planned by the Student Council and take place during school hours.


St. John Fisher School offers an After School Program in the church auditorium for those students whose parents desire a safe and caring place for their children to go after school. The program will commence on the first day of school.


Full Day | 3:15pm – 5:30pm
Minimum Day | 12:25pm – 5:00pm


1st Hour of After School Care and $2.00 per 15 Minutes Thereafter


$275 Per Month | One Child
$350 Per Month | Two Children
$450 Per Month | Three Children

Parents may choose to send their child/ren on a regular basis or on an occasional basis referred to as “Drop-Ins”. A fee of $8 for each hour or part of an hour ($2.00 per fifteen minutes) that a child participates will be charged.

Daycare operates out of the auditorium under the supervision of the Day Care Director. Students are provided with structured time to complete homework.

Parents are expected to pick up their children no later than 5:30 p.m. Students must be signed out by a parent or other adult specified on the student’s emergency card.

Any student remaining after 5:30 p.m. will be charged at the rate of $8 per minute. Frequent lateness (more than three occasions) in picking up a student will be grounds for terminating the student’s participation in the program. Likewise, failure of a student to comply with the rules and discipline requirements of the program is grounds for terminating the student’s participation.

Fees will be billed monthly, on the last day of each month, and are due and payable by the 10th of each month. Bills will be handed to parents on the first of the month when they pick up their children from day care. Parents will sign receipt of the bill. A late fee of $25.00 will be added to any account unpaid by the end of the month. Families who have late fees on three occasions will have the privilege of day care withdrawn.

Your child will not be able to participate in Day Care until the required DAY CARE FORM has been signed and returned to the school.


St. John Fisher has a variety of after-school programs that often change depending on the interests of the students.

Participation in all extracurricular activities is contingent upon good academic standing and satisfactory grades in both effort and conduct. Students not maintaining good standing may be placed on extracurricular probation and excluded from team activities, until good standing is restored. Absence from school during the day precludes participation in school sponsored extra-curricular activities on that day.


St. John Fisher School is a member of the Association of Catholic Student Councils. Each year the student body elects the Student Council, which includes officers and commissioners from Grades 6 – 8.

​The Student Council meets weekly to plan events that build school spirit and minister to the needs of the entire school family. During the term of office, the student’s academic grades must average a “B,” with no grade lower than a “C”, and a “B” in conduct. If the student’s average academic grade drops below a “3.0”, the student will be placed on probation from the Student Council, as per administrative directive.

Each homeroom in grades 2-8 appoints two class representatives to attend meetings and assist in Student Council activities.


The Academic Decathlon Team is open to students in Grades 6 – 8. Students train in several academic events, including individual events in Religion, Math, Literature, English, Social Studies, Science, and Fine Arts. Additionally, students compete in two team events: the Logic Quiz and the Super Quiz. Students compete with other Catholic schools throughout the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for a chance to compete at the state and national levels. Students meet regularly to prepare for the annual Archdiocesan competition held in March. Students on the Academic Decathlon Team must maintain at least a B average, with no single grade lower than a B-.


The St. John Fisher Archangel Choir is comprised of auditioned singers from Grades 2 – 8. The choir’s mission is two-fold: to provide members opportunities for individual musical and spiritual growth, and to strengthen community-building and ensemble team skills. The choir rehearses during lunch recess (approximately 20 minutes) two days a week and participates in over 20 events each school year, including monthly school Masses, special parish Masses and concerts, school music programs, and local competitions and festivals.

​As a member of the American Federation of Pueri Cantores, members of the choir have participated in festival Masses in Washington, DC and Rome, Italy. The members of the Archangel Choir are enthusiastic about sharing their faith through a broad range of music, and show their dedication by doing so from the first week of school through the final day of classes.


St. John Fisher students are invited to participate in after school drama. Students learn dramatic genre as they participate in planning, practicing, and performing two productions annually. Applicable fees will be assessed.


The annual science fair allows our students, particularly in the Middle School, to truly experience the science curriculum. Over a twenty-week period, students follow the scientific method focusing on testing their hypothesis. This independent inquiry-based learning experience allows our students to think creatively and critically, use technology to research and test their ideas, develop organizational and time management skills, and communicate their results clearly in both a written and oral format.


St. John Fisher School is a member of the Catholic Youth Organization and participates in intramural team sports including flag football, boys and girls volleyball, boys and girls basketball, and track and field.
CYO sports are open to students in Grades 4 – 8. Students may try out for teams seasonally. Practice and game schedules are available from the coaches or the Athletic Director.

A fee is charged for each after school sport in which a student participates. This fee is due before the first game of each season and helps cover some of the many expenses incurred by the sports program (referees, uniforms, etc.).

​Practices for games are held after school. School insurance covers participation in school sponsored athletic events and practices. Parent permission forms must be on file in the office before a student may participate in the sports program.

For more about CYO Athletics click here.


St. John Fisher School continues its commitment to excellence in education by embracing interactive learning. Students in all grades receive hands-on experience during special emphasis days.

  • Grades K – 3 participate in International Day, which is a daylong festival celebrating world cultures.
  • Fourth graders enhance their study of California history with California Day, which is a celebration of our state history complete with period costumes, food, and crafts.
  • Colonial Day is a chance for fifth graders to re-create life in a colonial American town.
  • Middle School (6th – 8th) students get a glimpse of life in the “real world” during Career Day.


St. John Fisher has a variety of after-school programs that often change depending on the interests of the students.

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